Sunday, January 15, 2012

Processes of Evolution

What is Evolution??
  • Change of gene pool of population over time.
  • Gene is a heredity unit that can be passed on unaltered for many generation.
  • Gene pool is a set of all genes in a population.
Evolutionary Theories
  • Widely used to interpret the past and present and even to predict the future.
  • Reveal connections between the geological record, fossil record, and organismal diversity.
Cofounding Evidence:
  1. Biogeography
  • Size of the known world expanded enourmously in the 15th century.
  • Discovery of new organisms on previously unknown places could not be explained by accepted beliefs.
   2. Comperative Anatomy
  • Study of similarities and differences on body plans of major groups.
  • Puzzling patterns:
        ~ Animals as different, as whales and bats have similar bones in their
        ~ Some parts also seem to have no function.

    3. Geological Discoveries
  • Similar rock layers throughout world.
  • Certain layers contain fossils.
  • Deeper layers contain simpler fossils.
  • Shallow layers contain complex fossils.
  • Some fossils seem to be related to known species.

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